
My name is Subhanga Upadhyay. I used to be a computer science student at the University of Minnesota, a software engineer, and now a writer at this blog. I try to write about the best ideas I’ve encountered through the books, videos, or podcasts I consume. Join me on my journey to become a lifelong learner at Making Life Kaizen.

The goal is to identify the necessities to leading a well fulfilled, happy, and rich life. I started this blog because I felt stagnant in my personal evolution since working full time. Therefore, I wanted to start something new and talk about topics such as philosophy, reading, and finding purpose. These are the topics that I am passionate about and am facing in my life currently. I hope to develop a community of like-minded people who are eager to find answers themselves.

Keep feeding your curiosity

Life without curiosity is plain dull. There nothing to look forward to once you have made up your mind that you have learnt everything you needed to learn. This makes life a drag.

We tend to stop our pursuit of learning once we finish our university degree. That marks the final time in our life where we adopt the student’s mentality and explore whatever ideas that interest us. It does NOT need to be that way.

We can choose to continue learning until the day we die and this blog is an attempt to document such learning.

It doesn’t need to be aeronautical engineering and can be as simple as learning how to grate cheese better. We are above no wisdom when making continuous improvement our goal. After all, you are going to grate cheese many times in life. Making that process 1% better does affect your life for the better, especially when compounded over time.

This blog is an attempt to feed your curiosity bug so it doesn’t starve. Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like to delve into deeper and let’s make life kaizen!

Have books you want me to review? Ideas to discuss? Feedback? Criticism?

Send me an email at [email protected]